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[July 24th - July 28th] Week 6 Report

This week I mainly work on Edge component, so many kinds of lines~ So I was easily tangled inside.


Plans made in Week 5:

1. Bezier curve and interaction for the rest of three lines.

Especially for Sine wave / ZigZag line. Better ideas should be come up with.


Features for now:

Any line given source and dest position

Automatically adjust the density of patterns for pattern line

Anchor point could be dragged to adjust bezier curve

Notice there are small bugs in Cubic pattern line. Fix it later.

2.Hit test should be applied to edge component and labels

Done for edge component.

Features for now:

For straight/Bezier curve edge, click to change color

only works for basic kinds of line(solid/all dashes)

3.Get a demo for setting / changing all visual properties in a clear way.

Waiting for Scooter's structure to try.


Extra work or change this week:

1. Wrap Edge Component.

Edge component is made up with line and arrows(src arrow/ dest arrow). Where arrows are not necessary.

Features for now:

1.Create any edge with all possible arrow shape/ line shape.

2.Translate / Rotate edge with arrows connect correctly to line and keep right position(point to node) with mouse drag

3.Basic line shape: Change source/dest freely with mouse drag.

2.Reconstruct basic scheme for arrow.

Any points drawn on screen should be absolute positions written in vertices.Which means, we can not rely on modelView Matrix or else every time when you try to interact with nodes, positions should be recalculated as well but you can not easily get access to it.

However, in this way, we can not have great use of GPU for computing positions...Every movement should be calculated by hands.

So I'm hesitating whether to change this scheme for nodes as well.

However, with this scheme, now we can easily change source and dest point for edge using mouse drag.


Next week...

Edge is far more complex than I expected...So.. with 13 shapes of line to tackle.

The functions are finished , leaving all kinds of lines to be synchronized.

Next week I'll mainly focus on synchronize functions to all possible combinations and do some testing.

Also, nodes and edges should be combined.


University of Califorinia, San Diego



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